Dyslexia Assessments
Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty which affects about 10% of the population across a range of ages and abilities. A full diagnostic dyslexia assessment is used to ascertain whether a person has dyslexia and how to support them going forward.
Assessment overview
Carried out by a fully-qualified Specialist Dyslexia Assessor
The cost of a full diagnostic assessment is £525
An assessment takes approximately 3 hours to complete
Full diagnostic assessment
Diagnostic Assessments are requested for many reasons: you may have concerns that your child is not reaching their potential in the classroom or as a student you may need to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance for university. A detailed assessment and subsequent report will provide you with an insight into your or your child’s strengths and weaknesses and how difficulties can be supported going forward. As a Specialist Teacher and Dyslexia Assessor with an Assessment Practising Certificate I am qualified to carry out a full Diagnostic assessment which will last the lifetime of the individual.
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